Where did the concept of men being expected to pay for dates originate from? Why is it still somewhat expected today?


Where did the concept of men being expected to pay for dates originate from? Why is it still somewhat expected today?

In: Other

Question Changed status to publish March 29, 2020

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Historically, a wife’s role was to bear and rear children, they had few options beyond that. A husband’s was to earn a living and support them. That meant a man seeking a wife looked for features that suited her role, mostly being young and healthy, which translated into beauty. A woman seeking a man with the means to support her and her future children. Giving gifts and paying for things was a way for the man to show his financial fitness.

Society has come a long way since then, but there is still financial disparity and many of these antiquated notions are still embedded in our culture. For good or bad, women are valued for their appearance more than men, and men are valued for their accomplishments more than women. Society expects women to show up for a date with perfect hair, makeup, and designer clothes, men get by with a clean shirt, but are expected to pick up the check.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Probably because men made the money because women weren’t allowed to work outside the home. Especially during times of courting. It also allows the man to show off his ability to pay for something and show he can provide for a family. Old school rules trickling over into modern times. I say Go Dutch!!

Anonymous 0 Comments

Women weren’t allowed to have jobs. A man would have to pay for the woman’s meal if taking her on a romantic date because she couldn’t pay for it, and because the man had to prove to the woman that he could financially support her, since if they got married he would have to work and she wouldn’t. Even though our society has changed to make women able to work, the idea that the man should pay for the date is still kept by many people who like traditional gender roles.

Anonymous 0 Comments

From the times of hunter gatherers and the agricultural revolution, men have farmed and hunted to chase down animals and turn them into meals for the rest of the tribe. So as economies evolved it still seemed natural that a man would feel an inherent sense to provide a meal for his partner/ SO. Economies becoming market (and currency) based, just streamlined this process. a man feeling obligated to pay for the meal on a date is rooted in ancient tradition.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I guess because that it is the way we can demonstrate to our women that we are capable to supply (ensure) our future family financially. It is important for woman to witness it.