Archives: Answers
yeah, you can definitely get different strains of the flu at once. it’s like catching colds from two friends at…
Seeds grow inside fruit because, after a flower is pollinated, the flower’s ovary starts to develop into fruit. Inside the…
Germination depends a bit on the plant/seed. Seeds remain dormant until they encounter the right conditions related to light and…
Of course! You can get infected by different strains at the same time, and in fact that is how those…
It’s supposed to make you burn to death. You’ll never need to deal with those smells ever again.
Matches just mask the smell: the sulfur/phosphorus smell of the match stuns your olfactory sensors, and makes it harder to…
This was a long time ago, but somehow stuck with me: 9th grade Chemistry teacher said that in the process…
It makes a sulfer smell that is good smelling to cover the sulfur smell that is bad smelling
the big plume of sulfur dioxide from a freshly-lit match simply overwhelms your sense of smell. you can’t smell anything…
Fire creates convection current. In a closed space, this circulates the air rapidly, dispersing and diluting any airborne particles equally…
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