Archives: Answers
Explain how microwave ovens work. They use radiowaves to vibrate the bonds of H2O molecules. If she wants to understand…
microwaves are like wizards that heat food with magic waves. they can’t escape the box so you’re safe. plus those…
Did she clarify what safety she is worried about in particular? Microwave ovens heat up food by blasting them with…
The greatest danger of microwaves (as long as they are used correctly) is just the heat they produce. Boiling water…
Microwaves arent safe for her because of her tinfoil hat. For everyone else, they are fine.
The metal sides of the inside contain the rays. The metal mesh screen in the door is designed so that…
Because there is not radiation in the nuclear sense even though we say “nuke it” when microwaving food. At the…
The microwaves and the high voltages used to generate them cannot escape the box. They cannot go through metal, and…
Microwaves aren’t safe for you. Luckily, microwaves aren’t used on you. Microwaves are used on the food you’re heating, vibrating…
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