Archives: Answers
Caffeine and the oils have a stimulate/laxative effect. In the morning, if your stomach is empty and you chug some…
If The Pope was The Godfather, the Bishops were all his Capos and were Made Men. The Priests are the…
annual turnover is based on positions, not people, a position can have a replacement quit and have to hire for…
You have two kinds of priests; diocesan and religious. Depending on what one you are, the ‘ranks’, as it were,…
Given the right amount of oxygen, you might get a really big bug, if you can call an 81/2 centipede”big”:…
Which ones are allowed to have sex and get married?
What you might be thinking about is *attrition*. Attrition cannot go over 100% because it represents positions that *don’t* get…
Insects don’t have a way to move oxygen through their bodies. Unlike humans, oxygen passively travels into the body through…
Bugs have been bigger in the past. Like, massively big. The main problem with bugs not being quite as big…
“Bugs” breathe through something called spiracles, basically small holes in the side of the body, movement of the body can…
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