auto sell algorithms, top comment is correct, but itll be more than a person seeing red and panic selling. That…

In Catholicism, a priest is someone appointed and ordained by the church as a member of the holy order. “Father”…

it’s not silly at all . like a hierarchy thing in the church. a priest is often called father cause…

You’re not ‘very’ confused. Reverend is like Doctor, a honorific based on achievement (studying medicine: Doctor; Studying religion: Reverend). “Father”…

father and reverend are the honorific title options for someone with the job of priest. instead of using Mr. preistX…

dude that’s wild. They probably use radar and weather patterns to see when clouds are ready to party. it’s like…

It is probably not “physics” at all. It is just observation and statistics. Lightning occurs because of a buildup of…

It’s less physics and more history and statistics. Simple we have recorded lightning strikes that occur in what region and…

conditions and geography are excellent predictors of lightning: storms move in predictable paths; the conditions for lighting are known if…
