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Stop panic, over reaction. Mostly to protect investors, so companies/govt/stock exchange have time to explain. It gives time out to…
The key word there is “annual.” If you have ten employees at the start of the year and they have…
Generally, temporary halts on extremely volatile stocks are intended to give everyone a fair chance to get caught up on…
Because you can go through more than one employee per position in a year. Might help to imagine a just…
100% percent turnover means if you employ 10 people, you have 10 leave their job and have to hire 10…
The word “annual” renders the turnover rate as per year, so it includes people who were there less than a…
You have one job. But everyone you hire quits after 3 months, so you end up hiring 4 people for…
It might seem confusing at first, but having a turnover rate over 100% is actually possible, especially in industries like…
Over 100% turnover essentially means that you have repeat quitters. Ie, I quit my job, you replace me, my replacement…
Some of it may be that your body knows it isn’t a good time. A 15 minute break between meetings…
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