Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 3 Ans – Wetness and wind 329 views 3 Ans eli5: is the price of crude oil i see on the futures market the same as the actual price refiners are paying? 306 views 5 Ans Why does wind feel cold? At the same temperature, a gust of wind can make you chilly. How does your body “feel” the cold wind? 339 views 17 Ans Why do a few inches of recline make a difference on airplane seats during take off/landing? 995 views 3 Ans how do snowflakes get their unique, and such beautiful shapes? 274 views 5 Ans how does auto stop/start save me 1 mile of fuel every 3-4 seconds? 288 views 3 Ans – How can opposed investment choices (stock, bonds, cash) all drop at the same time? 293 views 17 Ans How is it the ISS can travel at 17,400 MPH, but astronauts seem unaffected at all? 742 views 17 Ans How have sheep existed in the wild without someone to shear them? 1.00K views 3 Ans How does the sensor mode on a dishwasher work? 265 views 1 Ans what is the function of an angle pin in a lathe? 280 views 1 Ans How do products have so many ingredients? 308 views 1 Ans eli5: why does adding water to sweet juice make it sour 236 views 7 Ans cognitive biases 441 views 3 Ans If the brain is constantly trying to reach a stasis, how is any medication supposed to help chemical imbalance disorders like ADHD and Depression? 303 views 18 Ans Why do the black and white sequences in modern films never actually *look* like vintage film? 1.24K views 18 Ans Why do the black and white sequences in modern films never actually *look* like vintage film? 0 views 1 Ans eli5 How does plasma ozone water purification work? 294 views 12 Ans How do people reverse-engineer compiled applications to get the source code? 805 views 3 Ans eli5 Why do stimulants like adderall increase sex drive but decrease desire for food? 243 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,349 2,350 2,351 2,352 2,353 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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