Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 2 Ans What happens to captured CO2? Where is it stored and would it still cause global warming when it eventually gets released? 354 views 1 Ans How does the line search method work? 193 views 2 Ans How do hollow bones help birds fly? 342 views 8 Ans eli5 Why, in English Grammer, is it always an “an” before an acronym? Even if the acronym doesn’t start with a vowel? 604 views 3 Ans How does alcohol content work? (NSFW?) 316 views 12 Ans why is it bad to pass on the right? 904 views 24 Ans Why are the model names of TVs and other home tech so cryptic? 1.35K views 11 Ans eli5: How come our eyes immediately think the Scottish flag as white stripes instead of blue triangles? How come this occurs for some images and for others it doesn’t (like the flag of england?) 723 views 12 Ans Why can some (US) outlets fit a plug from either way you put it in, but some plugs have a fatter and skinnier prong? 730 views 23 Ans what happens in the brain when you draw a blank on a name? 1.19K views 19 Ans When a stock price goes down, is it that many people have sold and now have that value in cash OR is it that the market just decides the stock price is now worth less collectively? 1.01K views 5 Ans eli5 why organs like liver, kidney, heart, lung require rejection meds, but blood transfusions apparently don’t. 446 views 46 Ans If YETI can make a cup that keeps water cold or hot for hours and a cooler that holds ice for hours, then why aren’t we building houses with that same material? 1.89K views 5 Ans What happens when a band covers a song and the song gets popular? 408 views 4 Ans The difference in animal fat, seed oils and olive oil in health and cooking 366 views 10 Ans eli5: Why are pterosaurs not considered dinosaurs? 664 views 12 Ans [ELI5] What does it mean to be “grounded” against electricity, and why does it keep you safe? 889 views 21 Ans In terms of hacking, what are zero days? 1.16K views 2 Ans How does the mosquito’s mouth pierce my skin when it is so soft? 351 views 12 Ans What really is a particle? How can massless particles exist? How can it still be a particle if it doesn’t have any mass? 703 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,354 2,355 2,356 2,357 2,358 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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