Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 10 Ans Why highways alternate materials on the pavement? 677 views 11 Ans why electromagnets aren’t used in piston motors, including internal combustion or not including internal combustion 752 views 7 Ans how do commands on a screen direct electrical currents in a computer? 475 views 3 Ans Do different kind of starch works differently cooked? 346 views 1 Ans Eli5: if sleep is meant to repair the brain, how do the parts of the brain that never turn off get repaired? 197 views 3 Ans eli5 why do so many of the “health conscious” and “environmentally friendly” alternative milks, oat, almond and soy, come packaged in the most complex cartons ever? 225 views 1 Ans how are induced pluripotent stem cells made? 216 views 6 Ans ELI5, How does air pressure affect things inside an airplane or submarine if they are completely enclosed? how can the air particles inside the shell know what the pressure is outside? 700 views 6 Ans Why do gadgets (laptops / smartphones) require typing in the password after a restart although I have my fingerprint configured? 471 views 12 Ans Eli5 what a “bar” means in music? 953 views 5 Ans Eli5: How does nuclear submarine/space rockets works? Could this be use for interplanetary travel? 382 views 11 Ans Eli5: a home AC unit. The differences between “cool”, “auto”, “dry”. What is actually happening in these settings and which should I use? 720 views 22 Ans What is the difference between profit margin , gross margin , and revenue ? 1.37K views 1 Ans Why does current lead voltage in a capacitor and lag voltage in an inductor? 345 views 1 Ans What is silicon photonics? 280 views 25 Ans Why didn’t the dinosaurs recover? 1.26K views 10 Ans Strength and pulleys 881 views 10 Ans Strength and pulleys 0 views 9 Ans eli5: Since the U.S is described as ”a union between 50 free states” and gets more compared with the structure of the EU than, say, the counties of England; how come Texas or Oklahoma doesn’t compete independently in the olympics, or have independent representation in the UN? A union isn’t a nation 631 views 2 Ans relationship between color and heat absorption 402 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,362 2,363 2,364 2,365 2,366 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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