Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 1 Ans eli5 Why do painted and other smaller turtles bask in the sun but I rarely see snapping turtles with their backs out of the water. I really only see them in spring basking 947 views 4 Ans What are monads in programming? 355 views 2 Ans How come people in hot countries and these living without protection are not all swollen up after mosquitoes bites? 298 views 2 Ans how do lasers remove rust from rust without burning through the whole thing? 311 views 14 Ans How do anesthesiologists keep you under during surgery? 741 views 7 Ans eli5. when concrete powder gets wet it becomes a paste but when it drys and you pour water on it it stays the same? 444 views 1 Ans Eli5 How can a modern painted portrait look akin to a photograph, but historical painted portraits never look very realistic. 211 views 1 Ans Eli5 How can a modern painted portrait look akin to a photograph, but historical painted portraits never look very realistic. 0 views 23 Ans why consumer cars have crumple zones for safety yet racing cars have roll cages 968 views 2 Ans (ELI5)why is a person easily tired when walking on rough surface? 296 views 4 Ans eli5 how does burping a baby work, like what exactly are you doing? 480 views 2 Ans why do people wave lights at a consent then there’s an “emotional song”? 241 views 2 Ans why do people wave lights at a consent then there’s an “emotional song”? 0 views 12 Ans To where do multinational corporations pay their income taxes to? 687 views 16 Ans eli5 why we can’t collect energy from lightning ? 962 views 6 Ans eli5 How did “words” come to be before any language was developed? Like before words existed how did a group of people just collectively decide a banana is a banana and not a “ksirjrnwpx” 321 views 18 Ans eli5 isn’t finding a place to store nuclear waste easier than that covering acres of land with wind turbines and solar panels? 825 views 1 Ans How do some animals recreate limbs? 273 views 7 Ans what are those “studio” ads before movies about? 492 views 3 Ans Eli5 how does playing around with different metrics of amps, ohms, and volts alter how powerful electricity is? 382 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,370 2,371 2,372 2,373 2,374 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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