Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 6 Ans why do subway trains need only one electrified third rail? I thought electricity needs a negative and positive? shouldn’t we need two electrified rails? 332 views 4 Ans How do we know how much food nutrients are actually absorbed by the human body? 280 views 1 Ans – topical or local anesthesia 212 views 32 Ans eli5 How does razor blade dull on hairs when razor blades are made of steel and they are much higher on mohs scale? 1.27K views 7 Ans How did people get rich from the Gold Rush? 386 views 19 Ans ELI5, why are wooden houses so prevalent in the US vs UK? 753 views 4 Ans Why are pro sports leagues and college sports’ conferences expansion plans so contingent on when media deals expire? 230 views 7 Ans How did army combat work pre-guns? 387 views 3 Ans – How does cloud gaming work, and how is it profitable? 269 views 3 Ans how does copper kill pathogens? 254 views 7 Ans How Come Firefighters Use Water? 385 views 9 Ans What’s so special about water and why is it the most important substance in industrial processes and life on Earth? 358 views 2 Ans why does multivariable integration not work? 233 views 10 Ans eli5 What happens to helium balloons after they float into the atmosphere? 457 views 4 Ans Why does thunder sound like a crack close up but a roll from far away? 0 views 4 Ans Why does thunder sound like a crack close up but a roll from far away? 336 views 5 Ans How does induction cooktop actually work? 273 views 2 Ans Why does muscles fail to perform an action after repeating a routine several times (push-up or any exercise with muscles)? 211 views 4 Ans how does canning/preserving stop a substance from “aging?” 337 views 6 Ans Considering everyone’s related uf we go back far enough ti our african origins, at which point can ancestry tests and the like go “ah you are 20% scandinavian”? Were is the cutoff time period or how does this work? 284 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,373 2,374 2,375 2,376 2,377 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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