Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 2 Ans eLi5: Why does drinking milk help after eating spicy food? 217 views 6 Ans Why aren’t all births conducted under general anesthesia in modern times? 408 views 4 Ans ELI5; Star constellations and how people decided which lines connected certain stars. 275 views 1 Ans How is indirect sun exposure to the retinas different from direct sun exposure to the retinas in terms of harmfulness? 237 views 2 Ans Why can’t stretch marks be undone? 316 views 3 Ans How are food items/ dishes patented? 369 views 6 Ans eli5: Why is Hydrogen termed as an energy “carrier” but Petroleum as an energy “source” ? 423 views 3 Ans How many atoms you need to break to make an atomic bomb? 349 views 3 Ans Eli5 – what do they use to preserve railroad ties, utility poles etc vs stuff available to common mortals at big box stores? 288 views 8 Ans Why Did Corn Syrup Ever Need to Exist? 510 views 3 Ans to easily peel tomatoes, why do they suggest to dip them in boiling water first and then dip them in cold water? 294 views 3 Ans How do items made out of clay work? 386 views 4 Ans What are the data usages our phone does when we keep the mobile data still on even when we are not using the phone? 273 views 2 Ans How does Blackrock work? 670 views 2 Ans Icing/offsides in hockey and football (soccer) 226 views 2 Ans ‘Financial shock’ 397 views 1 Ans How do neurons transmit continuous signals instead of in pulses? 220 views 4 Ans When we eat food our body add the extracted minerals to our overall mass as well as converting it to energy. What is the process that converts the food to electricity? (Assuming that’s what’s happening) 310 views 13 Ans Eli5: Why and how isn’t there any bicycle tire that is 100% rubber? Like, no air on the inside so no puncture risk isn’t it? Is really technology that far behind yet? 679 views 1 Ans Why do some electric motors make noise? 297 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,384 2,385 2,386 2,387 2,388 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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