Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 1 Ans how does auto stop/start work in cars? 185 views 4 Ans How can something have zero calories in one serving but ten calories in three servings? 267 views 4 Ans How do motion sensors work? 288 views 6 Ans if photons are massless, how can it push something like a light sail, and how can sunlight adds weight to earth? 259 views 2 Ans Eli5-How are we able to read sentences & paragraphs even if the words are upside down? 215 views 2 Ans Eli5-How are we able to read sentences & paragraphs even if the words are upside down? 0 views 2 Ans What happens at atomic level when we get an electric shock? Why doest it happen and why is it dangerous? 174 views 5 Ans How does my car know when to change gears? 384 views 3 Ans why does a program/game slow down or cap out on resource allocation well before the computer is out of resources? 233 views 5 Ans Did inflation exist before fiat currencies? 412 views 1 Ans ELI5/How does gut flora vary from country to country and from first world to third world countries? 249 views 3 Ans How exactly does the growth hormone work 390 views 3 Ans How exactly does the growth hormone work 345 views 18 Ans Why are the majority of cars able to drive nearly double the maximum speed limit of most countries? 1.04K views 1 Ans How twitch deals with storing so much data in realtime chats, lives…, it looks like there i huge read and write for every second 230 views 1 Ans why, everything exist as equal and opposite complementary pairs(day,night; +-;)? 281 views 2 Ans Eli5: Insulated spill-proof mugs. Why are they so much better at keeping cold things cold than keeping hot things hot? 273 views 3 Ans How do blood labs determine what is “normal”? Do they use average Americans who are obese and have diabetes and high blood pressure etc, or do they use “healthy” people? 236 views 17 Ans What would happen if we could zoom in with a microscope infinitely? Would we keep seeing more detail or is there a ‘cut off’ where we can’t see any more detail? 679 views 11 Ans How do aircraft tyres straighten themselves when landing in a crosswind? 592 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,388 2,389 2,390 2,391 2,392 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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