Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 1 Ans How does a forest grow under a sinkhole? 296 views 17 Ans How do radio stations know that you’re listening to them? Is there a signal sent back somehow? 625 views 25 Ans – What is lateral thinking? 1.06K views 2 Ans Why do some hybrids make a whirring sound when braking? 248 views 4 Ans Why is it important (body system processes-wise) to drink enough water? What are the consequences of chronic dehydration? 277 views 5 Ans – Why do people pass out when subjected to high g-forces? 1.31K views 2 Ans Why do cameras seem to ‘see’ through mist, fog or heavy rain better than the human eye? 271 views 6 Ans eli5: why do people have similar cognitive biases about numbers? 407 views 11 Ans How is saliva so readily produced? Do we just have reservoirs of water in storage somewhere in our head? 540 views 2 Ans what is the purpose and benefit of secondary emotions? 279 views 3 Ans How does a heart transplant work? 256 views 6 Ans why do businesses like Starbucks and Home Depot not like 100 and 50 dollar bills for “safety reasons”? 383 views 3 Ans The reconciliation between average salary and rent in NYC. 243 views 7 Ans Eli5 How do you create a ruler without a ruler? 507 views 11 Ans Why is it that in formal logic, the phrase “If Bob drinks, then everyone drinks” is true if Bob doesn’t drink ? 598 views 7 Ans What is determinism? 411 views 3 Ans eli5, Graham’s Number? 269 views 4 Ans How can a mass die-off cause places to be short-staffed if there are also fewer people to serve? 259 views 1 Ans How is bleached flour considered “safe” and why is it preferred? 259 views 7 Ans Eli5 how decreasing the diameter of the nozzle (of a rocket for example) makes the rocket go faster? It’s still the same amount of gas exiting the rocket no matter the diameter, so why is there a difference? 363 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,390 2,391 2,392 2,393 2,394 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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