Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 2 Ans How are missiles and other such stores attached to the pylons on fighter jets 351 views 7 Ans What is the purchase order in university and why does it take so long? 332 views 22 Ans Eli5 Why is it so easy for us to tell the difference between a real voice and a recording of a voice? 1.13K views 4 Ans [ELI5] What happens if you take narcan nasal spray for opioid overdoses but haven’t had an overdose? 287 views 4 Ans Do spheres have poles? Couldn’t any point on a sphere be a pole and the point directly opposite to it be the other pole? If they don’t have intrinsic poles, are Earth’s poles human-defined? 343 views 4 Ans eli5 it has been established that the curvature of space-time results in gravity. So what exactly is the Graviton? 397 views 12 Ans if I go down a slide but instead of carrying on to the end, I grip the sides and stop myself: where does my momentum go? 576 views 5 Ans why does high humidity make temperature feel more extreme? 324 views 10 Ans If you can take an infinite number of derivatives of position, then why is it so hard to visualize/think of real world examples beyond the jerk? Does the function essentially become meaningless to the physical world? 462 views 7 Ans eli5 why do we cover our face/mouth when we see someone get hurt 380 views 4 Ans What is a stagflationary debt crisis? This is what economists think we are headed for. 340 views 5 Ans Eli5 James Webb telescope 434 views 3 Ans eli5 Energy to Move Magnet? 440 views 7 Ans How does the surface of the earth not collapse on itself with the amount of oil we drill for? 354 views 19 Ans Why are so many buildings in Peru half-built? 938 views 6 Ans What is “getting your second wind” and how does our brain/body do it? 376 views 2 Ans Why is it that even after so much advancement in passport and registration systems for people, it’s still not that difficult to get in or out of countries with fake passports? 249 views 5 Ans Why do most businesses have doors that open to the outside, while residences and apartments have doors opening to the inside? 308 views 6 Ans Eli5 Whats the difference between a MAC address a IP address and IMEI address? 0 views 6 Ans Eli5 Whats the difference between a MAC address a IP address and IMEI address? 437 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,396 2,397 2,398 2,399 2,400 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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