Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 2 Ans Eli5: Why don’t we go blind staring at distant stars in the night sky, unlike staring at our own sun? 248 views 2 Ans what is space? 281 views 3 Ans What is all the space smoke in the new photos taken by the Webb telescope? 229 views 3 Ans What is all the space smoke in the new photos taken by the Webb telescope? 272 views 3 Ans Stephans Quintet 307 views 10 Ans Why does driving over 55 mph decrease fuel efficiency? 596 views 1 Ans How do scientists measure mass in space? 238 views 3 Ans [US] Why are there two standard license plate numbering/lettering conventions? 234 views 4 Ans How did old video players, game consoles, etc. know what scanline the CRT was on? Did TVs adjust themselves based on the signal they received? 264 views 6 Ans Logarithms 542 views 29 Ans if every stock transaction has a buyer & seller, does that mean 50% of the people will always be losing money? 1.33K views 3 Ans Why does loneliness cause physical ailments? 318 views 2 Ans Laplace’s demon 320 views 1 Ans When you buy a bag of potato chips at the store, why is there always a stamped price on the bag? The price you pay is always cheaper. 183 views 2 Ans eli5: Why does the urge to sneeze suddenly disappear sometimes? 252 views 6 Ans Eli5: so, whatever makes up light( photons or so) never fades…? 421 views 3 Ans Why are there no words in the English language with 3 of the same vowels or consonants together (like “aaa” or “sss”)? 0 views 3 Ans Why are there no words in the English language with 3 of the same vowels or consonants together (like “aaa” or “sss”)? 314 views 4 Ans How does topical medicine get into your bloodstream? If I spill apple juice on myself does apple juice enter my bloodstream? 341 views 3 Ans Why do ring of a planet or a galaxy relatively flat? 296 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,402 2,403 2,404 2,405 2,406 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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