Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 3 Ans Eli5: Every year Europe experience deadly heat waves. Why isn’t there a production campaign of Air conditioners during the off season? 251 views 4 Ans How does the dyson fan work? 306 views 3 Ans What is the difference between dopamine and serotonin? 354 views 6 Ans Physiologically, Is There Any Difference Between Taking One Dose Of Medication Twice Daily Versus Two Doses Once Daily? 349 views 2 Ans When my Nintendo Switch controllers (red and blue sides) are “calibrating” what is actually happening? 210 views 4 Ans Why are male Seahorses the ones that ‘give birth’ to the offspring? 315 views 7 Ans Why does all Global Trade happen in the USD if the USD is not backed by the gold standard? 573 views 1 Ans When using self-checkout, items are loaded automatically without scanning them. How does the machine recognize individual items? 243 views 1 Ans How do chemists know what compounds to make? 298 views 1 Ans eli5 Underwater blood clotting 280 views 1 Ans Why does nearly every short video on FB, TT or IG cut off short? 166 views 7 Ans What make the US dollar strong against other currencies? 558 views 3 Ans Eli5: Why do ‘social media bots’ exist and who benefits from them? 280 views 4 Ans How do ancestry and DNA work? 322 views 3 Ans Eli5: How does domestication tend to change the wild animal undergoing domestication? 243 views 3 Ans How do some plants grow up with water only for the beginning of their life 248 views 2 Ans How do chemists know how compounds found in nature are structured and composed of? 198 views 2 Ans Eli5: How is the square footage that a portable air conditioner is rated for calculated? 205 views 2 Ans Why ISN’T there a fat-burning pill? 235 views 1 Ans and I mean seriously explain like I’m 5, what is the meaning of Epochs, and Batch in Machine Learning? (I’d appreciate if you used linear regression as an example here… :'( 666 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,414 2,415 2,416 2,417 2,418 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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