Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 4 Ans How was the invention of the telephone not just attaching two microphones to two speakers? 224 views 3 Ans What determines weather besides seasons? 228 views 6 Ans Eli5 Why does sound ‘sound’ different e.g. in a room through a microphone compared to my ears? 303 views 3 Ans Why and how do headphones/earbuds lose quality with age? 191 views 4 Ans Would swimming be considered closer to resistance training and just normal cardio? 232 views 2 Ans If our stomach has digestion issues and we can’t eat a lot of food throughout the day, why does this not make our bodies feel weak? Why does the feeling of weakness only come when our stomach feels totally empty, even though we might eat less food when our stomach isn’t feeling well? 165 views 2 Ans Eli5 how do under water structures work as there being built such as hotels or houses? 194 views 7 Ans Eli5:Why does clothing turn pink in cartoons? I’ve never seen this happen in real life, is it just an exaggeration or is it very much true? 305 views 8 Ans eli5 If nuclear waste is radioactive, can’t we generate electricity from it emitting radioactive particles? 376 views 50 Ans How do calories work? I bike 5 miles, I lose ~120-150 calories. But a small snack can be more than that? 1.72K views 2 Ans what limits how large a marine animal can grow? What biologically prevents a kraken from existing? 207 views 4 Ans eli5 Energy crises yet Climate (energy) crises 261 views 1 Ans How does self cleaning work in some vacuum cleaners? 187 views 7 Ans ELI5; How does Penicillin work? 321 views 2 Ans How do different SSRI medications work differently? 203 views 4 Ans What is the difference between fluctuation and volatility? 250 views 1 Ans eli5: anti-bonding orbitals, why are they bad, why do they exist. 184 views 1 Ans how does oxidation-reduction work and what is a “reducing agent”? 164 views 4 Ans ELi5: How come the arrival side is nicer than departure side in an airport 185 views 5 Ans eli5: how does high speed rail not take off? 299 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,417 2,418 2,419 2,420 2,421 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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