Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 1 Ans – Why are earrings for cartilage piercings, like the helix, different to earrings for lobes? 147 views 12 Ans How does a car measure the outside temperature at speed, without it skewing for windchill or engine/surface heat? 576 views 1 Ans what is supersonic unstart 175 views 3 Ans How does tracking direction through stars work? 247 views 1 Ans When you look directly into a bright light, why does that “image” stay in your eyes after you look away or close them? 181 views 4 Ans eli5 – Why does alcohol (broken down by the liver) make you need to pee (made by the kidneys)? 249 views 6 Ans if white stuff reflects all light and black stuff absorbs all light, how does clear stuff work? 326 views 4 Ans How do rockets/missiles go so fast (thousands of miles an hour) 252 views 1 Ans What is a Brillouin Zone? 153 views 3 Ans Question for electrical engineers RE cables. 252 views 6 Ans eli5 why is a surgical robot better than a surgeon 333 views 3 Ans Eli5: Why the viscosity of oil decreases when it gets heat up? 231 views 3 Ans Usenet vs Torrent 206 views 7 Ans How exactly the symptom of rabies, the fear of water, the hydrophobia works? 376 views 4 Ans how stralth planes stay hidden from radars? 435 views 3 Ans Eli5: What’s that widget in the Guinness can up to? (Other stouts are available…) 204 views 18 Ans Why do animals who live underground appear always clean and not full of dirt? (e.g. worms, mice, rabbit) 755 views 33 Ans If alcohol is so effective at killing bacteria/viruses, why isn’t it used more often in medication? 1.21K views 6 Ans If the universe is constantly expanding, how could the big crunch happen ? 301 views 3 Ans What exactly was the demon core and what did it do? 265 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,435 2,436 2,437 2,438 2,439 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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