Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 5 Ans Why do cars redline in Drag Race when shifting and sometimes not? 236 views 2 Ans Why do our voices get raspy when we’re sick? 162 views 6 Ans What do the numbers on the phone charger mean? 248 views 4 Ans eli5: What happens in spaghettification? 194 views 4 Ans : why does it hurt so bad when your sinus gets filled up with water? 188 views 8 Ans what exactly is marketing.? like, if someone spends 4 years studying marketing, what do they actually learn? 282 views 2 Ans eli5: How exactly does the Richter scale measure how strong an earthquake is? What happens at 10 (the top end, as Iunderstand it)? 203 views 3 Ans Why do so many “smart home” / IoT apps look almost identical? 172 views 6 Ans Why does caffeine help relieve headaches? 241 views 1 Ans What’s the difference between salt-nicotine and traditional nicotine when it comes to disposable vapes? 139 views 3 Ans eli5 Why does the TV signal get disrupted on ferryboats while the captain is broadcasting a message? Is it to get people’s attention or it is some technical thing with ferryboats? 185 views 4 Ans ELi5 Why are most of the boats and ships I see in dock white and not another color? 192 views 2 Ans Why is the condition tardive dyskinesia caused by antipsychotics often permenant? 173 views 3 Ans Why birds lay eggs before they are ready just to sit on them? 186 views 1 Ans Why can’t more birds speak like Cockatoos? 137 views 3 Ans In circuits, why are the elements called branches and wires called nodes? 738 views 5 Ans Eli5: How can human beings digest a huge variety of foods at the same time? 242 views 8 Ans Why is population collapse such a threat when we have 7 billion people? 283 views 1 Ans Eli5: Heart-rate variability 117 views 10 Ans What are strings? 336 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,444 2,445 2,446 2,447 2,448 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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