Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 1 Ans How do FHA 203k loans work? Are they a total loan or an add on for remodeling? 190 views 3 Ans What does it mean that neutrinos don’t have mirror images? 230 views 3 Ans How come when we are tired, we don’t feel it in our body. Once we lay down we feel everything? 248 views 8 Ans Why is mint the default “fresh” flavor? 408 views 3 Ans Why aren’t spectral lines (emission lines) infinitesimally thin; eg why can we see them? 244 views 3 Ans Why do humans have such a long life span compared to other mammals? 245 views 16 Ans Eli5: how do movies that go straight to streaming generate money? 707 views 8 Ans How are unwitnessed behaviours (such as an adult bird building a nest the chick never saw the construction of) passed onto the next generation? 337 views 5 Ans How does binary interface with recognizable phenomena? 270 views 13 Ans How come a paralyzingly spine break shuts down pain/muscle operation, but not organs and other bodily functions? 570 views 12 Ans Imaginary numbers 593 views 21 Ans Why do we have to contract our throat when swallowing water? I mean it could just slide right down to our tummies. 864 views 2 Ans : How does Autorefractor work? 228 views 2 Ans why do different electric cars (batteries really) have such different charging speed curves when going from low to high battery capacity? 196 views 3 Ans ELi5: Why does Pyrite form in perfect cubes? 274 views 5 Ans Why can’t bots solve captchas? 315 views 4 Ans How do free games make money (particularly Steam games) if they have few ads for them? 273 views 5 Ans Why is a mole 6.022*10^23? 305 views 2 Ans How does a car move? 206 views 3 Ans the what and why of the leverage effect 238 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,446 2,447 2,448 2,449 2,450 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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