Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 19 Ans Why can’t cellphones connect to each other directly, acting like walkie talkies, at distances similar to their ability to reach cell towers. 905 views 2 Ans How do we know how fast light is? 254 views 4 Ans How does tired tread get “worn” and why do they often wear unevenly, thus the need for rotation? 276 views 2 Ans Eli5: Why is it that as a kid, we generally avoid enriched flavors but then grow to like them in our adult years? 204 views 3 Ans How can the universe be constantly expanding if the amount of matter never changes? 232 views 6 Ans Why do divers need to spend time decompressing if they’re in pressurized suits? 337 views 5 Ans Does light ever travel at c? 368 views 3 Ans how do water mills make energy from spinning 243 views 5 Ans Why do most modern luggages have grooves? 325 views 1 Ans What triggers jellyfish to sting??? 191 views 1 Ans What is a gustnado, and how does it differ from a tornado? 154 views 2 Ans : how are fireworks able to produce specific patterns when it’s just mostly pyrotechnics? 220 views 2 Ans Why do plants start blooming in small batches? 243 views 1 Ans Why is EUV lithography better than conventional photolithography at making smaller microchips? 174 views 3 Ans How does being cold work? How do the air molecules interact with your body to make you cold? 235 views 3 Ans Why is potassium iodine only effective in people under 40? 258 views 3 Ans eli5: why do streaming service apps struggle so badly to accurately bookmark where you stopped watching? 276 views 3 Ans Eli5 what is industrialization? 241 views 2 Ans Why don’t electric / hybrid cars have “RATS”, ram air turbines (like some jets)? 235 views 5 Ans Why do gunshots in the head kill so quickly? 328 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,452 2,453 2,454 2,455 2,456 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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