Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 2 Ans eli5 : Why do we gain a tolerance to consuming certain things but not for others? 173 views 3 Ans Eli5:Why do different string notes on a guitar register as a new note 192 views 5 Ans eli5 odds of getting struck by lightning 294 views 2 Ans How do supernova remnants produce cosmic rays? 184 views 32 Ans If sugar costs $1.70/kg, but takes 100kgs of sugarcane and over 2000L of water to produce that 1 kg, how is the end product profitable? 1.27K views 4 Ans How does puffing on a joint/ cigarette keep it burning? 235 views 6 Ans eli5 why do people get electrocuted by live overhead power lines but not 240v extension cables ? 329 views 4 Ans you can’t run out of blood from donating blood meaning blood is gets created, however if you don’t have the way of removing blood from donating where does all the old blood go? 243 views 5 Ans Why most of the world was conquered by European Countries? Why other countries were not as much as powerful like them? 249 views 3 Ans What does Friedrich Nietzsche mean when he said “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him” 242 views 4 Ans eli5: Are primers different from regular black, white and grey paints? 262 views 18 Ans How can we run out of clean water ? 770 views 1 Ans how are cosmic voids formed? 188 views 3 Ans eli5 What benefit is it to a university to hand out full tuition scholarships? 235 views 10 Ans if humans are animals, why is it a bad thing that we carry “invasive” species to different places? and why are they considered to be invasive things we need to get rid of? 385 views 4 Ans Eli5 How did mammals end up in the ocean? 255 views 5 Ans eli5 How do men get a boner and how does the brain know when men are aroused? 307 views 9 Ans How was the continent of Africa enslaved from the 15th to 19th century? Was it because the technology of the Europeans was that much better for them to be able to do that? 391 views 1 Ans Why are spherical satellites MORE prone to tidal lock than irregular ones? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? 143 views 3 Ans How does Anti-venom for snakebites work? 234 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,462 2,463 2,464 2,465 2,466 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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