Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 5 Ans ELi5: What is gimbal lock and why is it bad? (Been watching Apollo 13) 215 views 2 Ans why do drugs make your eyes go red? 181 views 2 Ans In a TV series / film, how are scenes where a baby becomes upset shot? 154 views 4 Ans Was Early 50s TV that blurry? 216 views 3 Ans Why does the UK energy price cap suggest we’ll all pay the same regardless of consumption? 176 views 11 Ans eli5: At constant speed and no vision, are you supposed to be able to tell if you are travelling forward or backwards? How? 427 views 6 Ans eli5: how do dehumidifiers make water from air? 244 views 5 Ans whats open Bolt system in guns? 209 views 4 Ans many mammals can build complex structures by instinct, does humans have instinct? If we don’t have, why? If we have, what is it ? 171 views 2 Ans Laying on my side to unplug nose 189 views 1 Ans How does rubbing alcohol remove bong resin so effectively? 144 views 2 Ans does the horizon on other, bigger planets (or suns) look the same as earth’s? How much higher do you have to go to see it curve? 181 views 4 Ans Why can the new Overture Boom plane only go 20% faster over land but 2x over water? 163 views 12 Ans Eli5 If warm water is generally better for cleaning things, including our skin, then why do we use cold water to brush our teeth? 498 views 2 Ans Eli5 – what’s in the liquid of a blister caused by an allergic reaction? 170 views 6 Ans How did gold was chosen as a currency compared to copper or any other metal ? 231 views 9 Ans Why are all (almost all?) contact sports played with exactly 2 teams? Why not 3 or 4+ different teams? 310 views 1 Ans What causes capacitors to die in electronics? 119 views 4 Ans eli5:how does alcohol/smoking affect the development of unborn fetus?? 204 views 20 Ans What is Gonzo journalism? 590 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,464 2,465 2,466 2,467 2,468 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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