Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 8 Ans Why the hell are there so many “infinities”, in the field of mathematics specifically, and what do they mean and their differences? 297 views 6 Ans eli5: If some California properties are cheaper to rent than own, how are these properties at all profitable for owners? 250 views 2 Ans If sinuses are within the bone of your skull, why does facial massage seem to loosen up congestion in your sinuses? 161 views 5 Ans How is it that all the electronic devices we plug into the wall can have varying voltage and amperage needs but don’t burn out when plugged in? 230 views 6 Ans : do electric charges have mass? 295 views 26 Ans What’s the birthday paradox 817 views 4 Ans “the harder you struggle, the deeper you sink.” 233 views 5 Ans eli5: What’s with the UFO hearings at Congress and all these military sightings of UFOs popping up?? 241 views 6 Ans If bullets are so hot when coming out of a gun, why do they not cauterize the entrance wound that they create? 245 views 4 Ans Why didn’t Texas suffer from the resource curse? 219 views 8 Ans What is virtual memory 294 views 2 Ans What is a “special dividend” and what does it do? 182 views 15 Ans The difference between an API and a REST API 603 views 1 Ans What are Manhattan Plots – How are they useful for displaying SNPs? 161 views 8 Ans How do satellites get put into orbit? They must be organized in some way so they don’t crash into eachother. 320 views 8 Ans Eli5 why is it always bad for a lawyer to represent themself in court? 273 views 2 Ans Law of conservation of charge. 161 views 2 Ans Why petrol engines outperform diesel engines, assuming they produce the same torque? 148 views 13 Ans Do different languages light up different neurons for the same concept ? Do clusters of neurons correspond to a certain thought? 577 views 3 Ans Eli5: How can essential oils be scented like food or laundry? 202 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,466 2,467 2,468 2,469 2,470 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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