Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 4 Ans Why do we refer to phone battery capacity in mAh but EVs in kWh? 237 views 5 Ans What does it mean to be antisocial, and how does it differ from simply being shy or introverted? 245 views 3 Ans how does RCS work. I saw that the F22 has RCS similar to a bumblebee so how does that work. Does it mean that it is as hard as finding a bumblebee 222 views 29 Ans Eli5: Could two people repopulate the earth on their own? 1.08K views 2 Ans Why does drinking alcohol make you hungry? 218 views 13 Ans How did Colonizers become more “advanced” than the countries they colonized? 662 views 2 Ans Eli5: what’s happening, and what’s it called, when you hold your breath, squeeze your head/face, resulting in turning red and veins popping out… like that meme? 174 views 9 Ans why are airlines allowed to change their prices by the second? 418 views 19 Ans what actually happens with a spam call and no one is in the other line, only a few clicks or beeps? 688 views 28 Ans if black is all colors and white is no colors what is gray? 991 views 9 Ans Why is there five different oceans if it is a single big water body? 374 views 9 Ans Why did musicians decide middle C should be labeled C and not A? 377 views 18 Ans How is it possible for dinosaur footprints that are hundreds of millions of years old to exist at the bottom of a riverbed without being eroded away by the water? 651 views 12 Ans Why is diplomatic immunity even a thing? Why was this particular job decided to be above the law? 549 views 7 Ans how exactly does stress make somebody gain weight? 338 views 3 Ans what happens to sun screen when you apply it? Does it all get absorbed into your skin or does it sweat off? How does it protect your skin from the UV rays? 204 views 6 Ans Why are hackers able to obtain lists of usernames and passwords, but not access site code? 286 views 3 Ans How and why do UTIs cause delirium and confusion in older people? 193 views 28 Ans why are energy prices rising in the UK, when their main sources is its own North Sea gas? 970 views 4 Ans How do some websites prevent us from going back to the previous page? 235 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,476 2,477 2,478 2,479 2,480 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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