Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 10 Ans why do people scream when they’re frightened? 439 views 27 Ans How do private bodyguards function against armed threats in places where it’s illegal to carry? 982 views 1 Ans Why is sinkholes so prevalent right now? Have they always been occured as much as right now or have we just gained the ability to film them? 164 views 2 Ans Eli5 how inbreeding causes the offspring have a higher change if developing genetic disorders 189 views 5 Ans how does our heart muscle move without manual control from ourselves? 263 views 6 Ans how do self-filling/gravity fed pet water bowls not overflow and spill everywhere? 268 views 4 Ans How are 2nd floor joists supported at exterior walls in old turn-of-the-century (1900) brick homes? 222 views 2 Ans why hives hurt so much 199 views 13 Ans What’s with the massive boom of technology and invention over the last century and a half compared to the slow advancement of the many centuries before? 569 views 1 Ans Mosquitos breed in non-moving water. Why is that and are there any other helpful insects that do the same? 174 views 10 Ans Why do we close the eyes of the dead? 438 views 8 Ans How does the James Webb Telescope send pictures to earth from so far away? 328 views 4 Ans How Copy and Paste actually works? 274 views 3 Ans Eli5: How do those cash back apps work? 238 views 10 Ans how do planes stay in the air once they reach cruising altitude? 411 views 2 Ans If pressure is intensive, why does Dalton’s low decomposes pressure into sum of partial pressures? 197 views 2 Ans Why does an ideal truss member undergo only axial forces and not bending moments? 185 views 8 Ans Why two negatives equal a positive 379 views 1 Ans How can embryos grow bones, organs and limbs, but once they pop out they can’t anymore? 160 views 5 Ans How did Einstein’s equations prove the existence of black holes? 287 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,477 2,478 2,479 2,480 2,481 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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