Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 5 Ans – Evaporation in the water cycle 267 views 10 Ans What is a slide rule, and why was it’s invention such a big deal? 383 views 5 Ans If heat makes things expand why does plastic shrivel up when exposed to it? 245 views 4 Ans What the hell is a clause?! 268 views 1 Ans Why does a layer of skin form on top of boiled milk? 169 views 9 Ans Eli5: how do water bombers not noseplant when refilling in a body of water? 353 views 15 Ans Why does reverse psychology work? 666 views 3 Ans what exactly does dehydration do to your body? 208 views 4 Ans Why did 64-bit consoles come way before 64-bit home computers and OS’s? 249 views 3 Ans ELI5.Why everything seems to spoil over time but the water never? 197 views 1 Ans What factors cause internet speeds to be faster in one country compared to another? 143 views 4 Ans eli5: Fainting at the sight of blood. How does it work. 259 views 6 Ans Eli5, if the earth isn’t perfectly round, why does it seem that way in pictures from space? 303 views 6 Ans how the airplane traffic is structured. Is it more like a highway or is it more like a railway? 307 views 5 Ans Why did Europe choose to colonize Africa after the Americas even though Africa was a lot closer and discovered earlier? 266 views 6 Ans eli5 Keeping economics as a point of view, is a world possible without poor? 287 views 4 Ans Why did the USS Thresher blow up? 239 views 4 Ans Why does for example smoking cause cancer? How do various toxins in general make your body start growing cells uncontrollably? 200 views 2 Ans Eli5 Birth certificates and SSN cards. 210 views 8 Ans How is it determined that depression is due to a chemical imbalance when it’s, for the most part, clearly external circumstances that lead to it? 333 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,484 2,485 2,486 2,487 2,488 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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