Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 2 Ans How were underwater volcanoes able to erupt frequently enough to create islands, instead of the water cooling down the magma and clogging them? 194 views 12 Ans Why Chrome consumes so much memory when it’s running? 610 views 5 Ans Why are calories on nutrition labels sometimes different from calculating the sum of its parts (carbs, proteins, fats)? 298 views 1 Ans How do the continents move? 180 views 3 Ans What is a CPM for social media influencers? 253 views 2 Ans How do MRI scanners work and what do the different noises/sounds correlate to 195 views 3 Ans Eli5: How do you measure the temperature of lighting bolts? 217 views 14 Ans Explain to me how being paid on the 15th and 30th is the same amount of pay as biweekly? 689 views 2 Ans What exactly is happening when apps are being optimised on Android? 185 views 6 Ans Eli5: How was multiplication/division discovered? 336 views 1 Ans Is the gas separated underground at gas stations? How does that work? 165 views 2 Ans How do electrons know when to exchange a virtual photon? 189 views 4 Ans How do meteorologists forecast weather 10+ days out? 252 views 6 Ans eli5: How did dentistry become its own distinct field separate from medicine? 299 views 6 Ans When copying from USB or external drive, why does it starts very fast and suddenly drops transfer rate by up to 50% and stays there? Why it can’t be speed as in the beginning all the time? 294 views 1 Ans How does a dependent care FSA work? 182 views 6 Ans Why are the reproductive organs and waste exits so close in animals? Are there any animals where this isn’t the case? 284 views 2 Ans What makes onions and garlic so rough on the system? 214 views 2 Ans Eli5:how do blimps adjust their heights in the air? 240 views 6 Ans Eli5, why do roads have numbers assigned to them as well as names? 330 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,489 2,490 2,491 2,492 2,493 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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