Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 7 Ans How does our society basically guarantee we have somebody for a specific job? 289 views 4 Ans eli5: How do audio engineers & producers isolate sounds from recordings? 236 views 7 Ans How can continual growth work as a stable economic model when we live on a planet with finite resources? 310 views 9 Ans How does water evaporate when it’s not at its boiling temp? 370 views 6 Ans Wouldn’t the Second Law of Thermodynamics violate the First Law of Thermodynamics? 267 views 8 Ans – Why does being in the sun drain so much energy? 357 views 6 Ans How does laser tattoo removal work? How does light remove ink from the skin? 250 views 3 Ans If Fluoride is able to remineralize the enamel of our teeth, would it be possible to keep toothpaste in your mouth for extended periods to maximize the effect? 174 views 1 Ans How do people remain asleep while sleepwalking even though there eyes are completely open? 153 views 3 Ans how do trees planted in the middle of cement parking lots survive and even thrive? 191 views 2 Ans ELI5, How does a Scott air paks’ Pak-Alert work? 173 views 1 Ans Eli5: How do you leverage paper wealth? 160 views 2 Ans Eli5.. What keeps the hairs on my arms and legs from growing indefinitely? Why do they never get longer than like 2 cm but grow back right after shaving? 169 views 2 Ans if sex is a common way to kickstart labor and open the cervix, why is it safe in early pregnancy and not a miscarriage risk? 170 views 19 Ans Eli5 if disease’s want to live in a host’s body without being discovered, then why do they have such nasty symptoms that can be used to easily identify and destroy them? 734 views 4 Ans Why is water hydrating when consumed but drying when it touches our skin? 234 views 3 Ans When transfer of electrons happen in static electricity, won’t the atom become unstable and implode on itself? 218 views 2 Ans How can the body recreate that “falling on your sleep” feeling when you haven’t even experience a real fall? 161 views 7 Ans Eli5 do my USB sockets cost me money? 370 views 4 Ans How can we see the oldest light with stars and planets acting as obstacles on the path of light 234 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,496 2,497 2,498 2,499 2,500 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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