Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 14 Ans Is the population of North Sentinel Island immune to the genetic effects of inbreeding? 603 views 24 Ans How does Kroger (and other large grocery chains) make all of its generic brand food? 1.13K views 7 Ans How can grocery stores get ripe fruits of all types every single week of the year? 427 views 1 Ans Why does sunlight reflected off a mirror and through a prism not affect the visible light spectrum? 165 views 3 Ans how do we know what past continents like pangaea or laurentia looked like? 268 views 2 Ans How are baby shampoos tear-free? 234 views 10 Ans Why do portable A/C machines have vents? Is it just to send dusty/warm air outside or are there harmful vapors and such that it’s expelling? 489 views 1 Ans Does density affect conductivity in metals, if so how? 157 views 3 Ans Why do most young babies not wear anything but a diaper? 280 views 3 Ans How does a power drain work in electronic devices? 306 views 2 Ans how herbivore know what is vegetable to eat? 219 views 4 Ans Why do some cords have three metal pieces instead of two? And why is the third round instead of the two parallel lines? 330 views 3 Ans Eli5 Why do foods always say reduces risk of plaque building in coronary artery? Does nothing slowly get rid of it? 277 views 5 Ans What separates infinity from the largest number less than infinity? 350 views 5 Ans Eli5 why does weed make my mouth dry. 352 views 2 Ans Why do crystals (like snowflakes) form geometric patterns? 216 views 8 Ans Generations 534 views 8 Ans Generations 0 views 1 Ans Why does your nose get blocked when you’re sick? Wouldn’t more oxygen help speed up the recovery process? 194 views 1 Ans what is commission tax etc. i didn’t pay attention to this unit as i had it when the world shut down and it is most likely critical to my development as a human being 172 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,500 2,501 2,502 2,503 2,504 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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