Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 1 Ans – Why would surgery near the site of a recent steroid shot injection, increase the risk of infection? 141 views 4 Ans Why are archaic terms used in reference to modern tech? 233 views 4 Ans eli5: Will it autually be safe to stay in a helicopter in the air while there is a earthquake? 219 views 6 Ans who gave birth to the first homo sapiens? 273 views 2 Ans Are bucks (male deer) less common than does (female deer). 196 views 4 Ans eli5: What is cash-out refinancing and why did so many homeowners choose to do this during 2020-2021? Also, are there any hidden dangers in this type of refi that are less talked about? 207 views 4 Ans eli5-Flu shots if they are the wrong strain 401 views 2 Ans Eli5: When you snort drugs, where do they go/why does it work so well? 160 views 1 Ans eli5: sore throats 155 views 4 Ans Why the moon looks like a sphere from space but from earth it looks like a circle 214 views 1 Ans Eli5 What is sharp pains? 135 views 10 Ans We know how plants make oxygen, why can’t we automate that process and not worry about losing plants? 397 views 2 Ans F1 safety car controversies (Abu Dhabi, Italian Grand Prix) 233 views 3 Ans Why are the Pillars of Creation shaped like that? 228 views 9 Ans Why aren’t there words with triple consecutive letters 432 views 23 Ans What causes that stoop in old folk where their head and neck are permanently bent forward? 802 views 15 Ans eli5 why is military aircraft and weapon targeting footage always so grainy and colourless when we have such high res cameras? 552 views 16 Ans Every year I hear about qualified premeds not getting into med school because there are so few spots. Why are qualified people being turned away if there’s a worsening doctor shortage in the US? 582 views 22 Ans eli5: What is the bootstrap Paradox? 887 views 7 Ans at what generation does a royal become a commoner? 303 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,510 2,511 2,512 2,513 2,514 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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