Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 6 Ans With all this talk about mining/colonizing the moon, is there a concern about dust? 220 views 5 Ans simplifying fractions 203 views 4 Ans Where is the released energy in a nuclear fission reaction? 169 views 4 Ans Do earthquakes become more likely over time? 196 views 2 Ans Yvon Chouinard giving away Patagonia. 149 views 2 Ans How did the first spacecraft test if they could communicate with people on Earth, and were there any challenges that they had to face in doing so? 139 views 3 Ans What physically happens when you get a “chill down your spine”? 142 views 3 Ans How does massage work? Like if my calves are swollen and hurting from walking too much, why would pressing on the hurt part feel good or help with healing? 155 views 1 Ans how basement spiders know when it’s night vs day 117 views 2 Ans [eli5]Why does walking or bouncing your legs in place ease the discomfort of needing to pee? 141 views 4 Ans What makes Taiwan so important in microchip production? 189 views 1 Ans Calculating the occurrence of solar and lunar eclipses. 148 views 8 Ans How does a skateboard prevent damage when jumping off a high ledge but without it, you’d probably hurt something? 272 views 9 Ans How can Patagonia survive as a company if it gives way all of it’s profits? 256 views 2 Ans Why is a jet’s performance measured with linear force but an engine’s performance is measured in power? 131 views 3 Ans : Does Amps supplied matters? 170 views 1 Ans eli5 – how are stamps used as currency in prison? 110 views 4 Ans When my back starts hurting, I have someone crack it, and then it feels better. I heard air bubbles or gas is released. Can some explain it to me like I’m five about why this would relieve pain and how it all works? 177 views 5 Ans eli5: Why is it important to find “patient zero” when trying to understand a disease? 178 views 2 Ans Eli5: what does the turntable in a Therac-25 unit do, and why did kill people by being in the wrong position? 122 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,513 2,514 2,515 2,516 2,517 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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