Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 3 Ans why do elevators get stuck during earthquakes? 196 views 1 Ans What are geometric angles used for? 172 views 6 Ans how does gentrification keep happening if there are less rich people than poor people? 258 views 2 Ans Eli5: Why do eyes hurt when you look into the bright sky after being in a building with mostly artificial light? 156 views 2 Ans Eli5: Why do babies instinctively raise their feet when held over grass? 153 views 1 Ans How does LIGA manufacturing work? 138 views 2 Ans what is globalisation? why is it so important in trade? 168 views 7 Ans what is a file format? 310 views 4 Ans – Does the color black absorb only light, or does it absorb heat as well? 212 views 5 Ans Eli5: Why are there only two competitors in the comercial GPU (AMD/Nvidia) and CPU (AMD/Intel) market? Does this phenomenon also happen in other parts of large scale industry? 249 views 4 Ans Why having money in the bank is bad during recession but spending it is good? 194 views 2 Ans Eli5 : What is “heat capacity”? 170 views 4 Ans Eli5: How do know about the Earths layers if we’ve barely scratched the surface ? 194 views 1 Ans How does technology like robots receive a signal from a particular location, signalling for the robot to move towards the said location? 128 views 5 Ans Why Are So Many Nations in Massive Debt? Who is Lending Them All This Money? 238 views 5 Ans eli5: what happens on a cellular level when someone has an allergic reaction? 241 views 1 Ans What is the difference between different types of ownership models when starting a business (LLC, S-Corp, etc) 147 views 3 Ans When a person gets a tattoo when skinny, what happens to the tattoo when the skin stretches when they gain weight? 187 views 1 Ans How does peeled garlic gets spoiled in a day and unpeeled garlic stays normal for days? 144 views 7 Ans eli5 how does time work on other planets 335 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,514 2,515 2,516 2,517 2,518 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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