Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 10 Ans Eli5: Why do websites want you to download their app? 439 views 17 Ans why are there rain delays in certain sports, like baseball, but not football (American or non-American) unless, of course there’s lightning. 696 views 12 Ans Why is the pronoun ‘I’ the only pronoun that is capital by default in English? 578 views 2 Ans [eli5] Why does 99% of everything come in a plastic bag – but flour comes in a paper bag? 173 views 30 Ans Why is leaked footage of a unfinished game like GTA 6 a nightmare for the developers/companies? 1.07K views 8 Ans How does a computer overheating make it perform worse actively? 361 views 6 Ans ELI5- why isn’t geothermal power universally feasible? 339 views 31 Ans How was Germany able to do so well at the beginning of the world wars considering it was up against huge enemies? 1.33K views 4 Ans How are brand new airplanes tested? 254 views 8 Ans eli5: Do any of the stocks and investing go to the company’s payroll? 339 views 3 Ans eli5: Why can’t the photoelectric effect be explained by the wave theory of light? 651 views 8 Ans Eli5: Why are clothing brand sizes different from each other even though they all use the same scale? (i.e. xs-xl) 368 views 14 Ans How do ceiling fans collect dust when they’re constantly in motion? 745 views 4 Ans Eli5 – How does muscle memory work ? 275 views 3 Ans – Why do humans not have whiskers while almost all other mammals do? 202 views 6 Ans Why do you need several coats of paint? 336 views 5 Ans How come, when people are buried in churches or chapels, there are no perceivable decomposition gases? 286 views 4 Ans P-Value and hypothesis testing theory 255 views 3 Ans How does our phone’s cellular signal reach a cellular tower miles away from the phone? 191 views 7 Ans Why does eating food that’s bad for us bring us such great joy? 314 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,519 2,520 2,521 2,522 2,523 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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