Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 1 Ans eli5: how are st. Bernhards trained to go out and find lost Wanderers? 149 views 5 Ans what does the wifi calling button on my phone do, and why does it need to be on for me to make any calls? 249 views 6 Ans : How did games run without CD disks once launched? 285 views 9 Ans why are tv’s always rectangular, but never round? 378 views 24 Ans Do bombers usually have heavier armor than either fighters, attackers, or multirole aircraft? 990 views 2 Ans – How can a food have an aftertaste? Why do some foods not have one? 174 views 1 Ans Why did rate hikes differ from food and energy and all items in 2008? 122 views 9 Ans eli5 what is DHCP and IPv6? 405 views 5 Ans Why do banknotes have a higher nominal value than coins? 254 views 22 Ans : if you disconnect a power cable, where does the electricity that is still in the cable go? 860 views 4 Ans What am I seeing when my nitro draught beer/coffee has just been poured? 186 views 7 Ans Eli5: How can you get more ill if you exercise vigorously with an underlying cold or fever? 296 views 21 Ans How did American football 🏈 become the most popular sport in USA than Football ⚽️ ? Football is the popular sport in almost every continent. 832 views 8 Ans How do we know the idea that particles don’t exist in one definitive spot until we measure them, isn’t just our lack of knowledge due to not measuring them yet? 370 views 3 Ans what is software updates mean? How inner things work? 212 views 3 Ans eli5 How does your body raise and lower it’s own temperature? 198 views 4 Ans Eli5 Aberrant salience and ‘gang stalking’ delusion 269 views 3 Ans Eli5: so i just learned that nebula is just a lit up piles of gas, how does piles a gas exactly lit up? 191 views 5 Ans eli5: energy prices in France so high 309 views 6 Ans when crowds do chants, why does it always sound like they’re slightly behind the beat? 288 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,522 2,523 2,524 2,525 2,526 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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