Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 3 Ans how do you determine if a company needs equity financing or debt financing? 217 views 2 Ans Eli5 why is photon considered a particle too? 216 views 3 Ans eli5: How does the loan market works ? 228 views 6 Ans eli5: To make fusion energy viable, we need to get out more energy than it takes to actually run the process. But doesn’t that contradict the laws of thermodynamics (getting more energy out then you put in)? 290 views 14 Ans Eli5: What are muscle “knots” 710 views 7 Ans Differences between Condominium , Apartments , Flat, Bunglow, Townhouse 372 views 9 Ans eli5: once we are able to sustain a fusion reaction, it is supposed to be a self sustaining process (so I have read). How would we be able to “switch off ” this process, and wouldn’t a self sustaining process be an example of a perpetual process? 359 views 15 Ans eli5 why do we use “s” at the end of words with 0 quantity? 720 views 3 Ans why do cauliflowers look like brains or some chili looks like male organs? 223 views 1 Ans Infinite dimensional vector spaces and how they’re used in quantum mechanics. 166 views 1 Ans eli5 why is it so easy to sleep later, but so hard to sleep earlier? 163 views 1 Ans How is it determined which countries are rich of resources (like petrol or gas) and which are poor of it? 143 views 1 Ans Eli5: If you have a gas stove, is it more efficient to do “slow-fire” or “high-fire” and how does it work? 201 views 10 Ans What do the upside down triangles in math and physics mean? 431 views 2 Ans security concerns surrounding Google Chrome 190 views 7 Ans apple trees 392 views 4 Ans How does currency exchange work? 266 views 49 Ans Why can’t people go to the casino playing roulette and bet on black, and if they lose, double what they lost and bet on black again until they win? 1.67K views 1 Ans What is the Taylor Rule and what does the theory suggest? 171 views 3 Ans what GDP PPP means 232 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,531 2,532 2,533 2,534 2,535 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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