Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 2 Ans Why does rubbing your eyes feel so good? 183 views 19 Ans what “the universe is not locally real” means. 921 views 5 Ans Why have video game graphics taken 37 years to look this way? Apart from purely technical (and power) limitations, what exactly gets better every three or four years (PS2 to PS3 to PS4 in game cutscenes for example) 273 views 2 Ans With the amount of people posting online, how have we not run out of internet space yet? 176 views 1 Ans Eli5 why hot and cold feet 285 views 20 Ans How is gasoline different from diesel, and why does it damage the car if you put the wrong kind in the tank? 850 views 27 Ans Why does the moon have so many craters when Earth doesn’t have, even though Earth’s gravity is stronger and it should be the one attracting the comets? 1.15K views 22 Ans eli5 How are people playing Doom on so many different (and usually very old) devices? A notepad, pregnancy test, how tf? 1.05K views 30 Ans why is there a “safe to eject” option for USB sticks? 1.06K views 16 Ans Why aren’t the woods just chock full of bones? 820 views 27 Ans “Money today is worth more than money tomorrow” 1.07K views 17 Ans How intricate/detailed is sign language, especially where inflection and sarcasm are concerned? Do those exist? 798 views 16 Ans How does Google know that this exact tiny restaurant on the 4th floor of a building full of other restaurants and cafes is “usually busy at 8pm on Wednesday”? 690 views 21 Ans why do banks need an extra day to process paychecks after ‘bank holidays’ when almost everything is automatic/digital? 1.06K views 32 Ans How did people maintain their teeth before toothpaste? 1.42K views 10 Ans Why do musicians often count to four before starting to play? What’s significant about the number four? 488 views 7 Ans eli5: Do you have to carve Fossils out of the stone or will they pop out in the form they are in, when the stone it split open? 325 views 8 Ans Eli5: why do retail stock traders have several screens and is it necessary to have more than 1 to trade successfully? 409 views 12 Ans – How do divers dive from like 170 some feet in the air and have zero damage, but if someone jumps off the Golden Gate Bridge, they are probably going to die. 686 views 1 Ans how are mouth ulcers different to cuts? 195 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,555 2,556 2,557 2,558 2,559 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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