Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 26 Ans How tf does binary code work. 1.16K views 2 Ans ELI5-peppermint and nausea. 190 views 3 Ans How does a clearly visible and cryptographically weak 3-digit code add any security to credit card transactions, unlike common best practices for passwords? 199 views 23 Ans Eli5 How did classical music composers memorize their songs back then after creating them? 1.04K views 11 Ans – How does a rice cooker know when the rice is done? 676 views 2 Ans eli5: what’s the difference between LTE and Bluetooth smart watches? 170 views 8 Ans Eli5 if the nosferatu movie is now public domain why does it need to be rented to be seen are you still able to make money off things after they are public domain? 425 views 1 Ans Eli5 How does color changing foundation/makeup work? 146 views 3 Ans Gram negative vs gram positive 216 views 3 Ans Eli5 – What is risc-v? 213 views 5 Ans how people can order and drink “extra hot” coffee and not burn their mouths? 265 views 2 Ans Why is the weight of the body of water contained by a dam immaterial to calculating the forces exerted on the dam wall? 163 views 3 Ans why is flossing important? 224 views 2 Ans How do we know how ancient people lived? Is it from archeological evidence or guesswork? 163 views 7 Ans What is a “human right”? 344 views 7 Ans why, if a big enough meteor hits the earth, is the impact like a nuclear bomb? 311 views 3 Ans Eli5 – How do flight crew shifts work? 198 views 10 Ans why is humans get a watery, wildly salivating mouth just before we vomit. 405 views 4 Ans Think about somebody yawning realllly big….. Did you just yawn also? Why? 253 views 2 Ans Why is it “easier” for a water droplet to hang on to a horizontal surface vs a vertical surface? 176 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,557 2,558 2,559 2,560 2,561 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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