Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 4 Ans Why can parrots copy what we say but mammals can’t? Aren’t we closer related to mammals than birds? 214 views 3 Ans Eli5: Why does the external cartilage part of human ears have contours/wrinkles? 230 views 6 Ans tool batteries amp hours and it’s relation to the amount of power a tool gets. 298 views 1 Ans how did those dollar store halloween glasses work. 135 views 3 Ans How coal and petroleum are formed? 190 views 4 Ans How does depth of field work optically? 249 views 7 Ans : Why there are N-E-S-W directions when our Earth is round(spherical). 372 views 5 Ans what is the difference between drivers and pilots? why are cars and truck etc drivers while planes and ships are pilots 295 views 1 Ans eli5 How do capacitors work with single phase electric motors? 132 views 19 Ans If we have pet food food that sustains pets, why do humans have so much trouble getting the right nutrients? 921 views 12 Ans If Teflon is the ultimate non-stick material, why is it not used for toilet bowls, oven shelves, and other things we regularly have to clean? 682 views 2 Ans Why does the first stretch always feel so good? 168 views 3 Ans If a the first cells of a newly fertilized egg are undifferentiated, can you split a zygote in half and get two completely new embryos from it? 199 views 1 Ans What actually is Hicksian demand function and why is it different from regular demand curve? 276 views 4 Ans Eli5: What happens to power grids and electrical infrastructure during floods? whay about wiring in houses? Do they just need to all be replaced or something else? 262 views 1 Ans eli5: What does having an overdeveloped ego mean, in psychological terms? 141 views 11 Ans [ELI5] If Astronauts can be delivered safely back to earth using parachutes, why couldn’t the same technology be used to save a doomed aircraft? 598 views 3 Ans screw or nail, what is the utility/difference. what should I use to build a wall? 237 views 1 Ans – How do long-press switches or buttons work? 159 views 5 Ans Eli5: How do whole house power-surge protectors work? Is there ways that it can work better? 279 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,563 2,564 2,565 2,566 2,567 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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