Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 3 Ans what are VC funding rounds? 153 views 2 Ans ELI5- how does embedded software engineering differ from Software Engineering 150 views 3 Ans Eli5 the difference – idiom, euphemism, adages, innuendo, proverbs, similes, metaphor 163 views 2 Ans Eli5: How do electronics measure Temperature and Humidity? 160 views 10 Ans ELI5- Why are Graphics cards getting so big & power hungry when other electronics are getting smaller and use less power? 362 views 2 Ans – Why are Husky breeds so vocal? 164 views 3 Ans How on earth does aerobic respiration actually work to release energy/ATP? 164 views 7 Ans – If fire extinguishers are supposed to be directed at the base of the fire, why do large fires often have firefighters on extended ladders shooting water from above? 258 views 5 Ans Why does it help to eat bread and/or drink milk after eating spicy food? 212 views 1 Ans What happens to shows and movies that are written off? 124 views 5 Ans why are airplane tickets so hard to get refunded? 251 views 1 Ans ELI5- Landuer’s limit-Thermodynamics 147 views 25 Ans why does 0 to the power of 0 equal 1? 965 views 1 Ans Serre’s GAGA 130 views 13 Ans eli5, what happens to the dead bodies in a battlefield 569 views 1 Ans the difference between SOFR compounded rate vs 5 day lookback period 138 views 7 Ans eli5 How are transistors made so crazy small? 311 views 3 Ans eli5: simple explanation on how a bunch of natural materials that decay make up plastic; a material that virtually lasts forever 168 views 6 Ans Eli5 Why can’t we just make a medication that tricks your body into burning energy without you actually moving? 272 views 6 Ans What exactly is the “rat race” and how does it apply to humans? 240 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,588 2,589 2,590 2,591 2,592 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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