Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 4 Ans Eli5 “why is it that kickers can make kickoffs from the opponents 25 yd line but miss a 40 yd kick field goal on their own end zone” 252 views 12 Ans Why are aircraft carriers worth only $0.01 for scrap? 677 views 16 Ans Why people test cocaine on their gum line? 840 views 25 Ans Eli5 why did the Bronze Age happen before the Iron Age? 1.12K views 7 Ans In math, what is a tensor? How is it related to tensorflow from machine learning? 351 views 19 Ans How do wings generate lift when flying upside down? 837 views 18 Ans If the Universe is about 13.7 billion years old, and the diameter of the observable universe is 93 billion light years, how can it be that wide if the universe isn’t even old enough to let light travel that far that quickly? 741 views 2 Ans Why does hearing yourself speak with a few seconds of delay, completely crash your brain? 171 views 24 Ans Morse code is made up of dots and dashes. How did telegraph operators keep from losing track of where one letter ended and another began? 1.03K views 25 Ans eli5 why are humans so addicted to patterns? 1.14K views 33 Ans why have convertible cars fallen? 1.48K views 4 Ans Why are mineral ores found in the form of veins? 246 views 1 Ans eli5 sleep trackers 159 views 18 Ans How is it safe to have a nuclear reactor on aircraft carriers and submarines when they are a potential military targets? 795 views 5 Ans Eli5: Hemorrhoids. 311 views 3 Ans different colors of emergency services 265 views 5 Ans Why are the colours in rainbows in separate lines? 270 views 4 Ans Eli5 Are the outer planets really only made up of gas? 295 views 5 Ans why economy runs in cycles? 303 views 5 Ans what is drywall and why is it so important in construction? 307 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,591 2,592 2,593 2,594 2,595 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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