Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 7 Ans eli5 What is the energy losses from burning something? 282 views 5 Ans Eli5: What happens to our tastebuds when we eat something sour or spicy, how does it let our brain know 233 views 7 Ans Why do older animated shows from the 80s/90s look darker in color than shows today? 259 views 5 Ans How do police tow cars with tow away protection activated without the alarm going off? 230 views 1 Ans What are the differences between the most common statistical hypothesis tests? 130 views 9 Ans ELI5, How does food not go bad in glass containers? 452 views 7 Ans Eli5 How did humanity manage to ventilate mines? 283 views 9 Ans Representation of Non Terminating Real Numbers on the Number Line 403 views 1 Ans what causes the gulf stream which keeps the UK warmer than our neighbours (Scandinavia) 126 views 13 Ans eli5 – How can the human body be composed of 70% water when it feels and behaves like any other solid? 569 views 4 Ans [ELI5] How does blood stay usable for transfusions in the refrigerator? 181 views 29 Ans Why does watching a video at 1.25 speed decrease the time by 20%? And 1.5 speed decreases it by 33%? 910 views 4 Ans What is the difference between normal computers and Qunatum Computers, why are they so much faster/more efficient? 241 views 2 Ans What the typical room arrangement protocols in situations when adult and minor family members are hospitalized in the same incident? 149 views 10 Ans What’s the difference between using a hotspot and tethering? 368 views 9 Ans What is a nightshade? Why do we consider them different to other fruit/vegetables? 323 views 8 Ans Eli5: how is it possible that a wooden barrel, which is used for aging alcohol, does not rot away. 307 views 3 Ans How can the body pass sharp/dangerous objects through the digestive tract? 176 views 3 Ans Why does all movement in zero gravity appear to look unnatural and stiff even when not in a suit ? 187 views 2 Ans Why do bird eggs need warmth from the parent to develop, while fish, amphibians etc don’t? 165 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,596 2,597 2,598 2,599 2,600 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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