Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 5 Ans ELI5, How is virtual money tracked? 379 views 4 Ans If you buy a lotterie ticket you have a chance to win, if you buy another one, the chance doubles, why is that? 229 views 1 Ans eli5: How do you aggregate percentiles? 154 views 7 Ans eli5 why does E-coli is in our digestive system even though it’s dangerous 343 views 22 Ans eli5 if horses can breed with donkeys and goats can mate with sheep why can’t we make human / ape cross overs? 1.02K views 5 Ans How do sourdough starters work? Why are bakers talking about it as if it’s alive and would walk on its own? 300 views 1 Ans What is Infinite Banking and how does it work? 172 views 13 Ans how Internet back in the copper wire days could still transmit data in seconds when Electrons flow through copper at a few metres per second. 537 views 20 Ans why are terrible and horrible basically the same thing but horrific and terrific are basically the opposite 889 views 12 Ans Why do you start laughing when you hear or see something funny? 597 views 23 Ans Why can’t certain organs such as the pancreas or brain be transplanted? (what other organs cannot be transplanted?) 975 views 15 Ans What happens when a company buys its own shares? 681 views 18 Ans Why do browsers sometimes drain a lot of RAM until rebooted? 801 views 7 Ans eli5 why does caffeine seem completely ineffective at times 369 views 6 Ans Is there a limit on how many different metals can be mixed into an alloy, and what would the results of alloying many different metals together be? 342 views 7 Ans On TV, why is closed captioning always “provided in part by” something, IE a certain company? Why isn’t it just part of broadcasting standards that closed captions need to be present by default? 383 views 20 Ans why did older cars have such long antennae when newer cars either don’t have one at all or a tiny nub? 893 views 36 Ans Eli5 Why wasn’t emperor Hirohito persecuted or killed following the end of World War 2? 1.48K views 9 Ans How do the advertisements know that I am newly interested in something if I never typed it but casually talked about it around the house? 373 views 19 Ans how do non drug induced Visual Hallucinations work ? what happens in the brain that makes the eyes see something that isn’t there? 792 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,599 2,600 2,601 2,602 2,603 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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