Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 2 Ans Why do you sometimes hear the finger slides from guitar players on some recordings, but not others? 147 views 3 Ans What is copywriting and why do people say the make so much money? 144 views 3 Ans Why aren’t some English Premier League matches broadcasted live in the UK, but are broadcasted in other countries? 148 views 19 Ans Why wouldn’t a small city switch to underground power? 498 views 4 Ans How do humans not die when they’re in space/0 gravity environment 168 views 1 Ans How do wounds know when to stop healing? 126 views 2 Ans why is it harder to breathe in when the wind is strong? 132 views 2 Ans whether there is/could be a way to tell if an entangled particle has been/has not been collapsed without collapsing it in the process 152 views 1 Ans eli5 How can air bubbles form immediately in glasses of water? 130 views 1 Ans What makes a phone jump around on a surface, or shake in your hand whilst the vibrate setting is active? 127 views 1 Ans Dialectical Materialism 264 views 2 Ans eli5: What is the difference between non-Euclidean Geometry and map projection? 144 views 3 Ans Why are sunbeds so much more dangerous than regular tanning? 141 views 3 Ans Why do we draw the Sun as a circle with lines (rays) coming out of it? 162 views 4 Ans In computer science, what does a system architect? 185 views 4 Ans How does chicken egg laying work? 200 views 3 Ans Why are the values of world currencies always compared to the US Dollar? 154 views 4 Ans How does a hurricane mess up the microbiome of an offshore area so badly? 221 views 10 Ans (eli5) How are fat peoples’ clothing the same price as a normal persons, with it having more material? 288 views 2 Ans [ELI5] Why are most online gambling companies registered to Cyprus, Malta or Caribbean? 140 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,604 2,605 2,606 2,607 2,608 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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