Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 2 Ans What makes animals “cold-blooded?” 154 views 6 Ans eli5: How does a gun backfire? isn’t there any mechanism in place to prevent it from happening? 231 views 3 Ans What is the winner’s curse? 171 views 2 Ans – How do we know the universe is expanding, rather than the stuff in it shrinking? 152 views 6 Ans ELI5; Why japan’s population is decreasing 252 views 4 Ans why are there so many sizes for button batteries? 193 views 10 Ans Eli5 hiw do computers understand binary 390 views 7 Ans Why are stars and planets named with weird combinations of letters and numbers? 263 views 3 Ans Eli5: How do we know that all humans see the same color without any variation? 189 views 10 Ans What happens to the blood after you internally bleed? 356 views 2 Ans Eli5 why do 4 cylinder engines still take up so much room? 163 views 1 Ans [ELI5] Why do bus and truck drivers have seats that bounce up and down, instead of normal fixed seats like in a car? 131 views 3 Ans what is neutral mode and why does it still exist in cars? 176 views 4 Ans Why do airports put rideshare pickups so far away? 225 views 3 Ans why do animals With much bigger, powerful bodies and hearts have a so much shorter lifespan then humans? 177 views 1 Ans : How come that even after years of genetic engineering, rice plant still produces that itchy self defense? 121 views 9 Ans eli5 – if photons have no mass, how can they be used to push hypothetical “solar sails”? 378 views 3 Ans What is the purpose of double-entry bookkeeping? 301 views 2 Ans What happend at the Battle of Castle Itter? Why did the German soldiers fight for the allies? 144 views 3 Ans why do bugs like mosquitoes not die when we hit them while they’re flying? 190 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,609 2,610 2,611 2,612 2,613 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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