Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 1 Ans Eli5 what an ACID transaction is and why it is good? 168 views 4 Ans Eli5 – what is MVAR (Reactive Power) 253 views 3 Ans how do modern braces work? How can just two strings of wire pull your teeth in some directions, when they actually are held by the teeth? 169 views 4 Ans eli5, why do batteries from the factory last so long? 218 views 4 Ans How come don’t particle accelerators just blow up? 217 views 1 Ans eli5 What kills anaerobic bacteria in the blood? 142 views 20 Ans How does verifying the checksum confirm the integrity of a downloaded file, when it’s posted on the same website the file came from? 658 views 6 Ans ELI5, why does diesel cost so much more than petrol if it’s easier to refine from crude oil? 239 views 7 Ans If a transistor is a solid state digital switch, how can it also function as an analog amplifier? 269 views 5 Ans What key is it between semi tones? 276 views 6 Ans – Do fish get out of breath if they swim too fast for too long? 271 views 28 Ans How would you explain what borderline personality disorder is to someone who doesn’t have it? 868 views 2 Ans eli5: Isn’t the whole FTX, FTT token analogy basically what companies do when they get listed on the nasdaq, etc? Selling shares for money? 164 views 8 Ans How were wildcats domesticated? 336 views 23 Ans Why is 1000mbps internet only guaranteed at 900mbps and what’s the equipment needed to get the 1000mbps advertised? 785 views 3 Ans Why food smells more when it gets heated? 179 views 3 Ans “In which chip/chips are located post, bios, setup and boot” 178 views 5 Ans ELI5- explain autism to someone who doesn’t have it 251 views 3 Ans Why do things rise when warmes? (mainly food) 190 views 9 Ans Reverse mortgages 393 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,613 2,614 2,615 2,616 2,617 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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