Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 10 Ans “Why companies like uber, doordash, lyft, etc. make billions in dollars but make no profit?” 284 views 3 Ans Why do you draw bent lines for skeletal structures instead of straight lines? 172 views 1 Ans What is metaracism? 144 views 9 Ans why can’t we transmit/broadcast smells? 340 views 2 Ans eli5: Why do humans find dangerous/deadly animals cute? 165 views 4 Ans Why are egg cartons 2×6 instead of 1×12 or 3×4? 185 views 3 Ans warm and cool skin tones 186 views 4 Ans How is bass something that we can audibly hear and also physically feel? 192 views 8 Ans How are deleted files replaced by new ones? 277 views 7 Ans How does Habitat for Humanity manage to build homes with volunteers? 250 views 1 Ans With trees, what is sequestered carbon and what is embodied carbon? 115 views 5 Ans How do you tell the difference between a centrifugal supercharger and a turbo? 233 views 6 Ans I’ve seen cross-sectional slices of brains confirmed to have CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy) and these slices all seem to differ greatly from a normal looking brain. Currently, why can’t a CTE diagnosis be confirmed with medical imaging, but only through autopsy? 221 views 2 Ans eli5: angiotensin renin aldosterone system 152 views 6 Ans why drinking your daily intake of water is better for you if you spread it out throughout the whole day vs drinking it all at once. 220 views 5 Ans Does charging up a battery ultimately increase its overall weight? 221 views 7 Ans how can scientists say the universe is flat, when it seems to go in all directions? 268 views 2 Ans eli5 how do we know our standard for musical notes has stayed the same before recording existed couldn’t notes have changed without anyone even realizing 152 views 2 Ans Why does heat make us sleepy? 146 views 2 Ans how does the human body make some much mucus? 283 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,618 2,619 2,620 2,621 2,622 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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