Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 5 Ans why was salt such a pre ious commodity in ancient times when you could just boil it out of seawater? 232 views 8 Ans ELI5- what do cell phone companies actually do? 346 views 5 Ans How can you slow cook food for several hours and not get food poisoning from it? 220 views 15 Ans eli5 Difference between (5+6) x 3-1 and 5+6 x (3-1) 666 views 19 Ans How is silicone both a lubricant and a non-slip/sticky thing? 701 views 38 Ans I have seen the hotness of peppers vary *greatly* between the same species in the same garden, and even on the same plant. How do restaurants and other food preparers manage to get a product with consistent hotness? 1.11K views 16 Ans If I do (for example) 10 squats 5 times over the space of the day, is that just as good as going 50 squats once a day? Why or why not? 537 views 15 Ans Why do truck drivers in movies honk their horns by pulling on a rope above their heads? Do trucks not have the button to activate the horn inside the steering wheel like normal cars? 512 views 12 Ans is the heating in a electric vehicle instantly warm? 484 views 9 Ans what about Screen Time is bad for kids? Is it the sitting around for long periods of time, the content they watch or just staring at a pixelated screen? 310 views 12 Ans Does viewing livestreams consume more data than doing so with a normal video? 462 views 14 Ans why is it that touching a spot on your body can cause a sensation on a completely separate part of your body? 441 views 23 Ans How does adult onset Type I diabetes work? Is it “burnout” of the body’s ability to make insulin? Why isn’t it noticed sooner? Does good lifestyle prevent symptom development? 639 views 6 Ans How mitochondria first got replicated during cell division since they were a separate organism. 231 views 3 Ans Different integrals (Riemann, Lebesgue) – are they equivalent? If yes, what benefits are there to studying them? If not, where do they differ, how? (And what in the complex realm) 165 views 1 Ans eli5 why does dust clean chinchillas? 143 views 2 Ans How does the MD5 hashing algorithm work? 169 views 8 Ans Is studying for 3 hours continuously better than studying in 3 sets of 1 hour throughout the day? 256 views 13 Ans Where does a company’s wealth go if they go bankrupt? 539 views 5 Ans What is the difference between a jet and an aeroplane? 224 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,623 2,624 2,625 2,626 2,627 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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