Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 7 Ans Why are soaps so drying even though they are mostly made up of oils? 288 views 2 Ans Why the products of mitosis are diploid? 169 views 2 Ans why do fruits have a protective skin barrier? 150 views 2 Ans Why do our bodies suppress the need for bowel movements when we are in unfamiliar locations? 153 views 9 Ans Eli5 why we can’t make cameras with 2 perspectives that alternates between to do 3D video 309 views 5 Ans eli5: how do cctv cameras work? 275 views 12 Ans With UAVs being common throughout the world, why aren’t there many unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) being used for military applications yet? 462 views 10 Ans eli5 What does it mean when someone “dies of depression”? 338 views 4 Ans eli5, how does cheese bread not go bad?? 237 views 2 Ans eli5 How is the economic value of an item determined if different sellers sell it at different prices? 152 views 10 Ans Eli5: What do birds do at night if their nest gets destroyed during the day? 372 views 4 Ans What is Dissociative Identity Disorder? 204 views 2 Ans Why do turkeys explode when you fry them too fast? 175 views 4 Ans how do STD tests work and why do they sometimes give false positives? 210 views 1 Ans what is it about the Poincare conjecture that made high-dimensional cases easier than 3D? 152 views 28 Ans how is the US banking system not crippled by credit card fraud? 901 views 31 Ans how does not finishing a course of antibiotics cause antibiotic resistance? 1.12K views 10 Ans eli5 how can a bathroom scale determine the body fat, water content and “dry” bone mass just from passing some electrical current? 344 views 8 Ans but if garbage dumps fail to facilitate decomposition due to the lack of an oxygen rich environment, why wouldn’t the waste managers bore columns to pump in oxygen and good bacteria to compensate ? 283 views 7 Ans if honey is antimicrobial how is it also a botulism risk for infants? 266 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,639 2,640 2,641 2,642 2,643 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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